Sky Amphitheatre

Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico

Project Info: Outdoor Amphitheatre and Service buildings

Completed: (ongoing)

Project Description:
In commemoration of a young talented musician who died too early in her life, a proposed 200 seat outdoor amphitheatre is nestled within the granite boulders, piñon, and junipers of the Sandia Mountains’ foothills. The Sky Amphitheatre provides a small venue for performances, lectures, gatherings and peaceful celebrations of life.  The amphitheatre will occupy the site of an abandoned corral and barn, while restoring the surroundings to its natural habitat. The siting of the project captures magnificent views of the Sandias, Rio Grande Valley and volcanoes to the west. Utilizing a glu-lam beam structural system, the stage and band shell fan out to the audience, alluding to a musical instrument in its key bar structure and conical form. Metal cables supporting shade fabric splay out from the stage to the support building. This new setting will provide the audience member, hiker, and casual stroller a place to reflect, contemplate, listen, and view within the majestic cradle of nature while celebrating life.